- Everyone’s Happy - Everyone’s in such a good mood at this time of year. It can be annoying sometimes but i guess, ‘Tis the month to see no grouchy faces at work, amongst friends and at home.
- Meeting up with Old Friends - Christmas is a great time to catch up with old friends whom you’ve neglected a bit throughout the year (either because you’re too damn lazy to pick up your cellphone and send an sms or an email or else your work schedule prevents you from seeing them enough!) Go on! Send your old pal an ecard & get talking.
- Christmas Shopping - I am NOT a huge shopaholic but i do like the sales they have. My sister LOVEs Christmas and events. It means to her new clothes, extra trips to the beautician, new makeup, new accessories etc etc (shallow much!?)
- Decorations - I do enjoy these on the streets, buildings, my house, my street : all lit up with a million colours
- And finally...Presents - Haaaaaaa! Gifts show that someone actually thought of you when he / she saw the item in the shop.
There you have it...
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