Today is crummy day. No sun, it's cold outside and I don't have any hot chocolate or donuts.
I feel like watching a really, really good movie. Anybody have any good suggestions?
Nothing with Owen Wilson:
*Someone who has a nice life, great opportunities and a great family and decides that he would like to take himself out of there life doesn't deserve any right to be called a celebrity where people would look up to him. That's MY opinion on Owen Wilsom. That and he is a BAD actor. I can't seem to look away from his REALLY crooked nose.*
Nothing with Lindsey Lohan:
Is there really a reason why she is supposedly famous? She is such a waste of tax payers money.
And please no SHREK, my kid watches it so much I have it almost memorized word by word.
Not with George Clooney
I'm not a big fan of his. His movie Micheal Clayton reminds me of movies like THE FIRM, which I would definetly watch but it doesn't look appealing with Clooney in it. He doesn't do serious movies well. If maybe Tom Cruise was in it (because he does excellent movies like that) then maybe I would have watched it or even Micheal Douglas. Where is he? I love the movies he makes. My favorite is THE WAR OF THE ROSES. Didn't he and Kathleen Turner make such a great couple on the big screen?
What ever happened to good movies like A FEW GOOD MEN, YOUNGUNS, BRAVEHEART, or THE MONSTER SQUAD hahaha just kidding.
Not that I have the time to watch a movie anyways, I woke up late today and have to clean my house and disinfect it, then I have to get dinner ready so that we can go and visit my In-Laws again. *sigh*
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