Over the weekend I watched the movie Death Sentence with my favorite actor Kevin Bacon. He played a father out for revenge after his family is attacked in a gang-initiation crime.
I mean the guy went up to Kevin Bacon's characters son and slit his throat with a machete, so he pretty much kills every person involved in the crime. Which I though was so cool becaues he shaved his head and changed his persona from the father figure that he was. And my fave co-characater John Goodman was in it.. He's so awesome!
This movie was supposedly "an adaptation of the novel by Brian Garfield", where he did those Death Wish movies with Charles Bronson (that I absolutely DID NOT like). But overall the movie was good but seemed like a made for tv kind of movie..but of course without the machete scene.. I didn't feel it...
I also watched Dead Silence, Yes, yes I'm behind in watching some of these movies, but thank goodness I didn't pay to watch this one in the theatre.. they just don't make great scary movies anymore..oh wait the dummy did freak me out a bit..The story is this murdered ventriloquist all of a sudden comes back to life to exact revenge on people who's great, great, great granfather killed her.. so see, I don't know.. my husband fell asleep on it and the supposed scary parts didn't even wake my 2 year old.
Now The Ring is on my top list as the scariest.. that's a good one..
Bad, Bad scary movies: 30 day's of Night..My gawd.. that movie sucked Stay Alive..you know the one where the video game kills you.. yea Pulse.. all the technology is out to get us.. White Noise is comme ci, comme ca The Ring 2.. She just wont stay dead
These are upcoming films that look interesting to watch
I just saw this preview yesterday and kinda reminds me of Stomp but just with a girl... Oh well, I'll give it a try..
Untraceable looks really good too. With Diane Lane and Colin Hanks. I think he's cute, it's good to see that he's grown to better movies and left his Orange County movie days behind him.
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All about moi
My name is Pixie and I'm addicted to Cardmaking and Scrapbooking.
^ Hi Pixie ^
♥ I have all the control here.
♥ Twenty8. And a MOMMY!♥ Sort of a handbag junkie.
♥Se Habla Espanol♥ Born in Salinas. ♥ Happy that I am a SAHM.
♥Anti Starbucks.
♥ Pro Orange Julius.♥ Video Game Player.
♥ I have no skills as a writer so don't expect full sentences.
♥ A newbie Cardmaker and Scrapbooker and it is highly Addictedd!
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