I'm a person who never wanted to follow the moment's addiction. Whether it be YouTube,Myspace, even on TV shows. Never wanted to watch Desperate Housewifes because everyone watched it or even Friends until they became my favorite shows. Then I got a Myspace acct. I was super addicted. On Myspace the only thing I had to worry about was just adding pretty pictures and my About Me: always stayed the same. Didn't really think of changing it since people didn't read your ABOUT ME, they just really checked your page if you had boobs hanging out or something and some wouldn't even talk to you if you didn't have a picture AT ALL. My friend even blames me for getting her into it. And it's a place more for promoting now. So the addiction is pretty much over.
Now my is my new favorite thing that I'm addicted to. Because you have to actually write about things that are important to you or if something interesting, good or bad happens your like and people who look at your page HAVE to read it unlike myspace. And then you can even make money off of it too. I've been on here so much I've been missing my favorite reruns. Sorry Law&Order SVU, L&O CI, L&O..
One thing I do find funny though, is that when you leave comments on someones page they write you back but on there OWN comment page. Hmm isn't the point of leaving a comment is for them to return one on YOUR blog? The only people that know I have a blog is my sister, and 2 friends. And they pretty much suck too at leaving comments. Sometimes they will ask me
And sometimes when people you know read your blog it's weird because if you write about them, or you sharing something that was private, or making fun of them in some way then they get mad or don't want to talk to you. So then your inclined not to write things that you really want to write about. Or what if someone you didn't want to know you had a blog finds it?
Isnt' it funny the things we get addicted to.. Oh by the way here's my daily YouTube Video. Hahaha.... no for real here it is.
Thank you for visiting my blog. Please feel free to..
and I will comment you back.
I hope you revel in it's content but if you don't, then THANK YOU for dropping by nonetheless.
All about moi
My name is Pixie and I'm addicted to Cardmaking and Scrapbooking.
^ Hi Pixie ^
♥ I have all the control here.
♥ Twenty8. And a MOMMY!♥ Sort of a handbag junkie.
♥Se Habla Espanol♥ Born in Salinas. ♥ Happy that I am a SAHM.
♥Anti Starbucks.
♥ Pro Orange Julius.♥ Video Game Player.
♥ I have no skills as a writer so don't expect full sentences.
♥ A newbie Cardmaker and Scrapbooker and it is highly Addictedd!
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