Thursday, February 7, 2008

About to burst...

Posted by Pixie at 8:02 AM

Doesn't she look beautiful! When I first seen this picture, I thought OMG! She hasn't given birth yet?! Isn't she suppose to be on bed rest or something I mean jee she's carrying two children in there!

This was from yesterday when her and Marc Anthony attended a reception to benefit UNICEF hosted by Gucci during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Fall 2008 in New York City.


What in the name of gawd is she doing wearing heels??? And not just any high heels, they are high and pointy heels. You can tell her face is all swollen and she looks extremely tired. I'm sure she's not getting too much rest. But really?.. Adding to the pain in the back by putting on heels?

Yesterday I had just watched my all time favorite movie of her's Monster In-Law that movies is sooo freaking hilarious. I think she would have made such a cute couple with Micheal Vartan he is too Yummy. Yet she married Marc Anthony that's a downgrade. And seriously, why Jennifer Garner left him for Ben Affleck is beyond me..

I also watched Mr & Mrs Smith and love that movie. Jolie is also expecting twins.. trying to see that skinny woman try to carry TWO babies just sounds painful.


And what is the deal with celeb parents having children and then days or weeks later attending galas, charities, or premiers after they just had them? And I'm not talking about normal parents who have to go back to work and leave their children with babysitters because it's neccesary.

Here you have Joel and Nicole without their 3-week old daughter. Jee already leaving her with the nanny? Yea maybe I get that they don't want papperazzi all over their daughters face but if Tom & Katie Cruise are ok with having gazillions of flashes all over Suri's face then they can suck it up and take their child with them everywhere.


And Christina Aguilera dissapoints me too. Her 3 week old baby is home and here she is out at a Best Buy signing for her new DVD. Why? She could of done that later. It's not like these artist need to be in a hurry to get back to work..From what I get Britney who hadn't worked in like 2 years was getting $740,000 in a month. Joel Madden has revenue from his cd's Nicole is making her own money from her old tv show. Christina was doing concerts so I'm sure their revenue is much higher than $740,000 a month..

When asked by Ryan Seacrest why she's out promoting so soon after the birth of her son, Christina replied,

"I'm going stir crazy in the house! It'll be a nice outing." Ummm that's pretty much what you signed up for..

Why can't these mother of their first born children not stay home?

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